To continue getting fresh ideas, maintain continuous improvement and allow all dealers the opportunity to participate; all JDUG department committees have the open positions of Committee Co-Chair each year. In order to provide consistency and continuity, the term is for a two-year period. Year two of the term enables individuals to follow through on enhancements in order to see them through to reality. Each year, at the annual conference, the JDUG Dealer Members elect new representatives to these committees. Being a member of the Board allows you and your dealership invaluable insight into future solutions, an expanded network of technology resources, an inside influence on the direction of applications for Deere Dealers, individual personal development, and solid friendships that will last a lifetime.
Everglades Equipment Group - Wellington, FL
Treasurer/Immediate Past-President
Riesterer& Schnell, Inc. - Pound, WI
4Rivers Equipment - Commerce City, CO
American Implement - Garden City, KS
IT-Digital Security, Application Technologies & Infrastructure Chair
Greenway Equipment – Weiner, AR
IT-Digital Security, Application Technologies & Infrastructure Co-Chair
United Ag & Turf - Abilene, TX
Finance Chair
RDO Equipment - Fargo, ND
Finance Co-Chair
C&B Equipment - Sioux Falls, SD
Sales Chair
Murphy Tractor- Kansas City, MO
Sales Co-Chair
Sinclair Tractor - Kansas City, MO
Service Chair
Midwest Machinery - Saulk Rapids, MN
Service Co-Chair
Quality Equipment - Winterville, NC
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